Friday, August 7, 2009

Josh and Chloe


Michelle Pyne said...

These pictures are priceless! Good work, Audra!

Jessi said...

oh my goodness, audra. you captured it. my chloe and your josh. the pictures tell their story and reflect their little personalities. thank you for taking them!

Emma said...

cute cousins

Unknown said...

Audra you are a great photographer and I don't know what you are talking about! I saw the ones you took of Jessi's fam a few years back on Thanksgiving. I set up a family picture at the barn and then had someone in our ward come and we swaped family pictures for our Christmas card on that same day I took pics of the kids. I'm too cheap to pay someone as enevitably someone looks silly no matter who takes the pictures. I know you could have done just as good of job! If you want to come take pictures of the horses or at the barn call me anytime. Shooting the horses was fun and challenging.