Friday, July 24, 2009

ice cream chronicles

swimming at pool
ice cream truck drives by pool
boys flag him down
they don't have any money on them (it's their own they are spending)
so they tell him to drive to our home
(it's pretty serious if they quit swimming for it)
they dry up real quick from the pool and we all run home
and wait
and waitand wait
Kyle gets on his bike to find where he is

he finally came!


Jessi said...

That story makes my heart happy. It could just as well have happened in 1954. Timeless- American experience.

(I wish the ice cream truck would come through our neighborhood.)

Rebecca Parker said...

That is priceless & of course, you managed to catch all on camera-may i repeat what a good mom o' boys you are!! kinda wish i could go back to the days when mine just appreciated the music & didn't know ice cream would magically appear outta side when price was right or were content to just sit on the rides @ store/mall without putting a quarter in for more action:) Those were the cheaper days...